Are You a ClearCorrect Candidate?

By now, many people know about the different options for what are commonly called clear braces. However, not everyone knows that there are different brands and products available for correcting the alignment of the teeth, and that some of them don’t involve “braces” at all! ClearCorrect is one of the top brands and products available for correcting the alignment of the teeth, and something we happily offer to patients at Provo Family Dentistry in Provo, Utah.

What Is ClearCorrect?

Unlike braces that use metal brackets and wires to slowly pull teeth into a better alignment, ClearCorrect uses clear aligner trays that are custom-made for your teeth and which slowly shift them into a perfect alignment. They are nearly invisible to the naked eye and are computer designed, offering a remarkably advanced approach to correcting your bite and smile.

The aligner trays are made in a specialized laboratory from information, images, x-rays and molds we make during your visit. The lab takes all this data and then develops a treatment plan designed just to your needs. A special computer designs a series of clear aligner trays that will comfortably and discreetly move your teeth into position. You will change trays every three weeks or so, and in as little as six months, you may enjoy a newly aligned smile.

How to Use ClearCorrect

When you visit our dental office, you can meet with our cosmetic dentist or staff and we will first review your overall oral health. When we are sure you have no need for preventative or restorative dentistry (such as fillings or crowns), we can then take all the measurements needed to make your trays.

Once they have come from the lab, we have you visit our office and we review the different steps needed for optimal results. Generally, you are going to wear the aligner trays roughly 22 hours or more per day. You take them out only to eat or drink (anything that is not water), as well as to perform oral hygiene like brushing and flossing. They are comfortable and safe to wear during your sleep, and it takes most patients a matter of days to get used to speaking with them in place.

Are You a Candidate?

Of course, not everyone is a candidate for the use of clear aligners. However, it is usually only those with moderate to severe issues who will require more aggressive treatment. A visit to the dentist office can allow our team to help you discover if this is the right solution for you. Whether you are tired of widely gapped teeth, a crooked smile, or several teeth that are out of alignment, this might be just the right solution.

Remember that overlapping teeth or overcrowded teeth can eventually pose a problem and create a situation in which decay might occur easily. A misaligned bite can lead to jaw pain or uneven wear. There are many reasons, apart from cosmetic reasons, to consider the use of clear aligner trays like those from ClearCorrect. Allow our general and cosmetic dentistry solutions help you achieve the healthiest and most attractive smile possible.

Contact Our Provo Dentist for ClearCorrect

Now that you know a bit more about ClearCorrect, it is time to talk with a dentist in Provo, UT about the treatment. Get in touch with us today by calling 801-373-2693 or by visiting our contact page.