Simple Facts about Dentures

The reputation held by dentures is incredibly unfortunate and remarkably outdated. When people hear that they are a candidate for this restorative dentistry, they might feel upset by it, when they should be relieved that there are such functional and agreeable options. After all, modern dentures look exactly like natural teeth, fit like a glove, and allow you to look, speak and eat like you have always done (or like you could in the years before struggling with dental issues). At Provo Family Dentistry in Provo, Utah, we offer patients an array of general, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, including access to dentures of many different kinds.

The Benefits and Diversity of Modern Dentures

Modern dentures can include:

  • Full dentures

  • Partials

  • Implant dentures

  • Implant supported dentures

That short list represents a remarkable range of options. After all, the classic full denture is going to replace an entire set of upper or lower teeth lost to disease, injury or age. However, if you prefer to preserve the jaw bone and gum tissue, you can opt for implant dentures. Full mouth dental implants, or “all on 4” implants, replace several teeth with implants and then use them to secure the denture in place.

There are also implant supported dentures that work like a traditional partial, relying on a tooth to secure the denture in place. However, with the implant supported denture, one or more implants are used to hold the partial in place. This too is done to enable a patient to enjoy the benefits of restorative dentistry while also retaining more jaw bone and gum tissue (which typically recedes if a tooth is removed or lost).

Discussing Your Dental Needs

To determine if dentures of any kind are a workable solution for you, you must first meet with our restorative dentist in our dental office. At that time, they will review the many options we make available to patients who are facing the loss of teeth or who require restorative work. There are so many solutions, but if dentures are the right answer, you should can then choose the optimal type of denture.

Dentures can be immediate or they can be made once the swelling in the gum tissue has diminished in the weeks after any extractions or tooth loss. Regardless of how or when the denture is made, our team ensures that you enjoy a good and comfortable fit. We will have you keep the denture in place for the first 24 hours after you receive. This enables you to grow accustomed to it, and to determine if there are any areas of unnatural rubbing between the soft tissue and the denture itself. We then adjust it for you.

Contact Our Dental Office for Dentures

If you are missing teeth or face the loss of teeth, book a visit to our dentist office today to discuss the issue of dentures. Whether you opt for classic styles or implant supported options, now is the ideal time to talk with your preferred restorative dentist in Provo, UT about the treatment. Get in touch with us today by calling 801-373-2693 or by visiting our contact page.