Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

If you have healthy teeth and gums, and yet you still hide your smile, it may be time to consider some teeth whitening. At Provo Family Dentistry in Provo, Utah we offer our patients a good array of cosmetic dentistry solutions in our dental office, and whitening treatments are among the most popular.

Taking only a short time to complete, whitening is a painless and remarkably effective way to boost the appearance of your smile, give you a whole new level of confidence and create a radiant glow that says you are the picture of good health. We provide both in-office and take home options, and are glad to discuss the best solution for your needs.

When to Consider Teeth Whitening

When is it the right time to for teeth whitening? That really depends on your state of oral health and wellness. When you visit our dental office to discuss your wish for whitening, we are going to ensure that your teeth and gums are in top shape. If you are not in need of restorative or general treatment (such as a cleaning and exam or a filling or root canal, for instance), we are glad to offer you two approaches to whitening:

  • In office laser whitening

  • At home whitening with custom trays

Laser whitening is truly remarkable and takes less than an hour to complete. It will lighten the teeth by several shades, and the results can last for many months. It uses a special whitening compound that is applied to the teeth by our cosmetic dentist. A special laser light activates the compound and in a short time, the treatment is complete.

The at home options use a similar compound, but rely simply on time rather than the laser to get the whitening done. This may mean wearing your custom guard for several hours or overnight, and for one to two weeks to get a similar level of teeth whitening. Both are effective, safe and reliable.

What Else to Know

If all of this sounds appealing to you, and you are ready to enjoy the cosmetic dentistry benefits of whitening, you can pay a visit to our office. Whether you use the faster, in-office laser whitening or the take home trays, you will need to know that some patients experience a bit of sensitivity in the days after using the treatment. We can recommend desensitizing toothpastes to help with that issue.

You will also want to make a point of avoiding the materials that might have led you to need whitening in the first place. Staining beverages like tea or coffee, tobacco use, sugary foods and certain medications can diminish the outcome of whitening treatments. Remember too that whitening does not work on dental appliances like veneers or dental crowns, so discuss this with our team as you begin to plan any cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Contact Our Cosmetic Dentist for Teeth Whitening Treatment

Are you ready to enjoy some teeth whitening in our Provo, UT dentist office? If so, get in touch with us today by calling 801-373-2693 or by visiting our contact page.