Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of Dental Implants

The loss of even a single adult tooth can trigger a chain reaction of unwanted events in your teeth and gums. This is why patients of Provo Family Dentistry in Provo, UT will want to understand there are solutions to tooth loss, and key among them are dental implants. In fact, as your preferred dentist in Provo, we think it is crucial to know the many benefits of dental implants in order to make the best oral health care decisions.

The Value of Implant Dentistry

For centuries, losing a tooth meant living with the gap it left behind and using false teeth if you lost many teeth or an entire set. Whether it was one or many, losing that tooth meant losing the roots and the crown. The immediate reaction was for the neighboring teeth to loosen, and even begin to shift. When this occurred, it caused the bite to change and this could lead to everything from pain and uneven wear to breakage of teeth and new jaw issues. So, one of the key benefits of dental implants is that it stops that from the beginning.

Of course, losing one tooth or many also forces you to change your diet. You won’t speak or look the same, and the spaces left by tooth loss allow the soft tissue of the mouth and face to begin taking on a sunken appearance; prematurely aging you. There is also the matter of bone and tissue loss. When you lose a tooth, the jaw bone may begin to be reabsorbed by the body (only in the area where the tooth was lost), and gum tissue tightens and retracts. Again, this causes many unwelcome changes.

Clearly, the benefit of dental implants is that they halt these unhealthy alterations in the mouth. They are also one of the most successful procedures, offering a 95% or higher success rate.

This is a main reason to speak with our implant dentist and consider your options for restorative dentistry.

Contact Our Provo Dentist Office and Meet With Our Dental Implants Specialist

If reviewing the benefits of dental implants did not answer all of your questions, feel free to give us a call at our Provo, UT office at 801-375-4600. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.