Benefits of ClearCorrect


Do you hide your healthy smile because it is crooked, gapped or misaligned in some other way? Many teens and adults find themselves doing so, and not even considering orthodontics because they just can’t bear the idea of traditional braces. This is understandable as wires and brackets are unsightly, uncomfortable and incredibly hard to clean, and this alone shines a light on the benefits of ClearCorrect. Often called clear braces or invisible braces, they are nothing like braces and can be a much more appealing solution for many wearers.

Patients at The Dental Edge in Provo, UT can enjoy the many benefits of ClearCorrect and should speak with our specialists about this kind of orthodontics.

Understand ClearCorrect

To really understand the benefits of ClearCorrect requires that you know more about this solution to misaligned teeth. Essentially, it is a system that uses clear aligners that slide comfortably (and invisibly) over the teeth. They work like braces to slowly, over the course of months, readjust the positions of the teeth. Unlike braces, though, they do it discreetly and without all of the difficulties caused by the wires and brackets.

Just consider these basic benefits of ClearCorrect:

  • They come out for eating and drinking, enabling you to enjoy your regular diet

  • They are removed for cleaning, and for cleaning the teeth, meaning your oral health remains at its best

  • They are not cemented to the teeth, and this avoids problems later when braces are removed

  • They are customized to you as a series of clear aligners you switch every few weeks. This saves time as you won’t return constantly for adjustments

  • They are cost effective and fast; which is something many misunderstand. In other words, they do not cost more or take longer than regular braces

As your dentist in Provo, we recommend you visit our office to discuss the use of clear aligners like ClearCorrect.

Contact Our Provo Dentist Office for Orthodontics Like ClearCorrect

If the benefits of ClearCorrect did not answer all of your questions, feel free to give us a call at our Provo, UT office at 801-375-4600. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.