Dental Veneers Overview


It is not often that you read of a form of cosmetic dentistry that can provide a workable solution to a long list of very different issues. This is why we at Prove Family Dentistry in Provo, UT are glad to offer dental veneers to many of our patients.

What Are Dental Veneers?

It helps to know just what dental veneers are in order to understand why they are such a flexible answer to so many issues. Firstly, they are frequently called porcelain veneers because they are made of a long-lasting and remarkably strong form of porcelain. They are paper thin and fit over the tooth or teeth that they are specially crafted for.

We might suggest dental veneers to patients with the following issues or concerns:

  • Teeth that are stained and unable to respond to whitening treatments

  • Teeth that are moderately misshapen or gapped

  • Teeth that have been chipped or cracked

  • Moderately crooked teeth

The way they address so many issues is quite simple. A cosmetic dentist simply takes molds of your teeth, preparing them for dental veneers beforehand. Then a lab uses specialized technologies to create the thin porcelain shells that will improve the look of the teeth. In just two visits to our office, you can see your smile entirely reworked and improved.

The dental veneers are bonded to the teeth as well, making them function identically to the original teeth as well as adding a level of strengthening to teeth that might have been compromised by chips or cracks.

The Longevity of Veneers

Of course, many patients are concerned that veneers may not provide a long-term answer. The truth is, that with standard cleanings and good oral hygiene, your veneers will last for many years. They will not slip, shift or break easily, and can help you avoid such treatments as whitening, crowns or even orthodontics!  Though they are not the answer for everyone, and though we will first ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as possible (providing any restorative work before the veneers), they can easily serve as the main component for a smile makeover.

Contact Our Cosmetic Dentist in Provo for Porcelain Veneers

If you have any questions about dental veneers and whether they are a good solution for your cosmetic concerns, it is time to talk with a dentist in Provo about this wonderful form of cosmetic dentistry. Get in touch with us today by calling 801-375-4600 or by visiting our contact page.